Meet Annie.



Let me tell you my story! Many moons ago, in a concession stand, two theater penguins (aka employees) named Annie and Josh met and fell in love thru their mutual nerdy-ness and love for quoting movies.

Fast forward some years later, and those nerdy penguins have crammed four baby penguins (aka kids), a rambunctious Australian Shepherd, and two old lady cats into a 100 year old home.

Life is happy (and chaotic)!

I have had a lot to photograph over the span of that story! I’ve had a camera in my hand for well over a decade now and a drive to be the best at what I do.


Here’s my co-Penguin, Joshua.

Look at that majestic beard. How could I not keep him?

He’s my partner in crime, carrier of stuff, designer of even cooler stuff, all around rememberer of keys and charging the cell phones—the list is endless.

In addition to wrangling our wild household in my absence, Josh joins me as an assistant for weddings and occasionally other shoots.

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Meet my fam!

I know how important family is to you because it’s what we treasure most! The goofy smiles, the sticky hugs, even the tantrums and tears. All those memories are precious to us.

It’s so easy to get caught up in daily life and miss how fast they grow. I love to capture those little details of their personality—the things you can look back at an old photo album and say, look, you’ve had that dimple since you were born. Or—see, you get that from your Dad! :)