Alex | Class of 2021
Meet Alex—one of the most genuine, down-to-Earth people I have ever met.
He can be found outdoors most of the time—fishing, riding around on the gator or tractor, camping, but most of all, playing ball. Alex plays for his school, for a summer team, and even in their local field with neighbors. He is team captain of his Senators baseball team and plays both pitcher and catcher, as well as outfield. You can just tell he’s a great captain—playing fair, encouraging his team when they struggle and ensuring they all put in their best while still having a good time. When we started taking shots on the field, throwing ball and batting with his coach, he just fell into his element and enjoyed every minute.
After high school, Alex is going to K-State for Business. I have every confidence that he will do well and even more—have a good time doing it.