Session Guide
Now that you’ve scheduled your session, the fun can begin!
I’ve created this quick, easy guide to help make your preparation as painless as possible!
Getting Ready
Hydrate! Water does wonders in giving us a natural glow and it’s so important to helping us feel good. It’s a great idea to bring water bottles to the session!
Be sure to rest! It’s essential to get a full night’s rest or even a nap in some instances. Rest is important for our kids—but just as much for us!
Don’t come hungry! I know this all seems like common sense but adults can be affected just as much as children when their basic needs aren’t met. Eat before or bring snacks to keep attitdues calm and energy up!
Prepare for a close up. Several images can be up close and personal so pay attention to the fine details—shaving, plucking, make-up, and brushing/flossing teeth can all make a difference.
Try to relax and enjoy—even when things inevitably go wrong. Life happens! Sometimes those moments make the BEST photos.
Photoshop can’t fix everything. It’s a great tool to fix temporary issues—like blemishes—but the more heavy editing involved, the longer your images can take to receive. Better to fix it in the moment, if possible.
What to Wear
Your clothing should be comfortable, well-fitting and neat (no wrinkles, stains, etc). Wear what makes you feel good and is comfortable!
Avoid colors that may cause a color cast against your skin—bright or cardinal red, oranges, neons are the worst offenders.
No matter what look you’re hoping to achieve—dress it up!
Plan ahead—try your outfits on ahead of time & have them ready to change into during your session—don’t forget shoes & accessories!
Make sure your choices allow your personality to shine and fit the locations you’ve chosen. For Seniors, bring extras to enhance your session—sports gear, medals, items of interest, etc.
Use matte powders and blot pads to avoid shine, which can be amplified with photo flash. Avoid any make up with shimmer.
Test your look ahead of time. Practice or have it done at a make-up counter several times before the shoot..
If you are new to or need a new foundation color—have a make-up counter match for you instead of doing it yourself.
Don’t try any new products in the week prior to the photo shoot, to minimize the chances of skin reactions or allergies.
As with video, photography can also wash out your make-up so wear about 25% more than you would normally.
Do your make-up in natural light and use a primer and full coverage foundation. Make sure your foundation doesn’t have any harsh tones that will be emphasized in photos (such as an orange tint).
✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
I don’t have a limit on outfits, but experience dictates that you can only fit so many into one session before you lose images. A good rule of thumb is about 1-2 outfits per session hour. If you’d like more locations, this will also put a crunch on time.
While I do define this in the session descriptions, this guidance exists to ensure we don’t spend the session time traveling, and fail to get a great variety of images to choose from. You’l want about 1 location per hour, with some leeway for nearby alternatives. I do often advise locations with multiple photo opportunities.
I am as up for a wild weather as much as the next person—however, my gear is hardy but not perfectly waterproof. Additionally, kids can struggle with photos even under the best conditions so sometimes rescheduling is the best option. I am happy to reschedule when need be but please aware that peak season may cause some tight schedules and make it harder to find a desirable time.
After our session, I will lightly edit a gallery of images I hands-select and provide them in a proof gallery, typically within 72 hours of your session. If approved, I’ll also provide a sneak peek on social media for you to share. Then you’ll have 7 days to make your final image selections. Once selected, I will complete the final editing and return a final gallery, typically within a few days, but please allow up to 2 weeks, especiall during busy season!
Short answer, no. Once you download your images, they are yours to use wherever you please! However, for your convenience, I offer prints from the #1 rated Professional Printers in the U.S.—Miller’s—which is also conveniently located here in KS and MO! They typically ship overnight so most products can be expected within 24-48 hours. These images are beautiful and heirloom quality.
Absolutely! Additional digital images can be purchased for $10 each, but if you’re looking for many more images, bulk discounts can be applied.
What to Expect
You can expect to have fun! After getting my camera and flash settings just right, I start each session with light poses to achieve the most flattering looks, and along with natural prompts to elicit real emotions (no cheesy jokes necessary!). Our favorite memories are those that show our genuine & authentic interactions!
Joan Miro
“You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life.”