Horse Sessions


Horse & Rider | Equestrian | Equine | Pet

They’re more than an animal or a pet—they’re family. From the joy when they come home, to the frustrations of puppy teething, to the tears when you have to say goodbye.

While they are absolutely welcome in our family sessions, sometimes a longer session is needed to truly showcase the personality of your pet or the bond between a horse and his rider.

Portrait Collections

  • Essential

    60-90 Minute Session
    1 Location
    25 High Resolution Digital Portraits
    Personal Online Gallery

  • Luxury

    2 Hour Session
    2-3 Locations (if possible)
    50+ High Resolution Portraits
    5 Wallet Sheets
    Personal Online Gallery

No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.

Winston Churchill


  • I do use off camera flash to achieve many of the looks in my portfolio. However, in working with large animals, I understand that this can pose a safety risk in young or skittish animals. You as the owner know your animal best and whether it will be comfortable with off camera flash. I also take steps to ease the animals’ nerves—letting them get to know me, slow movement, placing my lights before they arrive, etc.

  • With the majority of equine, farm or pet sessions being outdoors, the weather can dictate our schedule! I will work closely with you in the days and hours up to the session on deciding if the weather conditions require rescheduling. I recommend each person plans their schedule with enough time to allow for rescheduling should it occur (if you need your images for a particular date). There is no penalty for rescheduling for unforeseeable circumstance.

  • Unlike other sessions, our horse or pet may dictate the location of our session. I don’t have to tell you that moving a large creature isn’t always the easiest thing to do! But even if you’ve got a messy barn or small pasture, don’t despair! With the right planning and expertise, we can bring the beauty to nearly any destination! If you have any concerns or particular looks you want to achieve, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

  • Safety is of the utmost importance—even over getting the shot. Before your session, it’s a great idea to take your horse or pet for a walk to get some of their energy out. We intentionally plan longer sessions because animals can be unpredictable and we don’t want to rush! And if they’re being extra unpredictable that day—we can absolutely reschedule.

Heart Horse Sessions

Saying goodbye…


They touch our hearts, sometimes for a brief window but sometimes, when we’re lucky—for a lifetime. That gentle soul, the way they smell when you nuzzle their neck, the way a perfect ride can soothe your worries away.

A heart horse.

A beautiful bond that deserves to be memorialized. Gorgeous memories to look back on. We never know just how much time we have together.

Memorial sessions are a wonderful way to commemorate that special bond and preserve those memories so you can have them on the days when you’ll need them.

Ready to book?

Check on my availability here.


Still have questions or want to book with me directly?